Monday, January 7, 2013

Corporate Wisdom and Virtue

I OPENED A BANK ACCOUNT with a small local bank thirty years ago called the "first national bank." Later it was purchased by boatman's bank, which later was purchased by regions bank, which later was ourchased by worthen bank, which was purchased by nations bank, which, and i am out of breath here, was later purchased by the bank of america, which it still right back..

....sorry, had to catch my breath. so, over a, um,  period of a few years, my check book changed colors many times, and i just let it happen, didn't worry about it, didn't change banks in protest. I joined what i thought was a small local bank, and ended up part of a huge corporation. oh well. lazy.

being with the bank of america is one grand adventure, becuase the B o A is a grand adventure. Let's see now, what's the latest thing? oh, yes! The B o A is buynig back from fannie mae several billions dollars of bad home loans, which the bank tricked fannie into buying several years ago, so fannie hired some lawayers, and the rest is history.

the bank of america had purchased this free wheeling country wide mortgage lending corporation, which was a bad deal from the start. ONe wonders just how much money the Bank of America has on hand for deals like this, because its been involved in a few.

several banks, including wells fargo, chase, and citi group, are putting in a total of about eight point billion dollars to help clean up the mortgage mess. Although corporations do indeed own us and our country, they do not operate as a unified corporate oligarchy; they fight like cats and dogs, just like the rest of us. god bless america.

bank of america at one point was handing out debit cards to illegal aliens, once loaned michael jackson two hundred million dollars, and of course in the coup de grace, went belly up, and yours truly, you and i, america, bailed them out.

I have a mortgate with the B o A, and have paid faithfully on it for eight years. Yet, they still won't refinance me. Suddenly, the bank of america is conservative, and responsible. I still think I'll be in business long after they no longer are.

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