Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Lord, Loving Us, With Cats

THE SUBJECT of stray cats has been much on my mind lately, for several reasons. One, it has come to my attention that a stray cat population thrives in almost every part of the world, particularly in big cities. Istanbul Turkey and Rome Italy love their stray cats. They keep the rodents at bay.

calcutta india, i think, does not, or must not like and have stray cats, because calcutta chose rats instead. in calcutta, rats are their version of stray cats. strangers feed them, they run with impunity through middle class homes, and i vaguely recall hearing something about a place called "rat park".

what is it, one rat per ten square feet, worldwide, on average? I can think of a few stray cats in arknsas who would dearly love to visit rat park.

another reason stray cats have lately been on my mind is that my small mid southern american town has a stray cat population, many of which run regularly through my modern mainstream middle class  american yard. Three of them have adopted me, and I, with only token initial resistance, them. 

Each time i adopt one i report about it here, and, at last report, i had two, with the third  tentative, still. Well, forget tentative. the little beauty, (white with blue paws, ears, and tail)  no longer resists being picked up and hugged by me. now, he purrs. 

IF you ever happen to log on to this blog and notice thaqt i am discussing a possible fourth stray cat adoption, please intervene. Somewhere, there's gotta be a stray cat adoption intervention hotline..

but now the bad news. according to a report on national public radio, stray cats in america kill billions of birds and other animals every year. That's just in the united states, and yes, I'm sure i heard the word "billions", not "millions". 

and what do we expect? if they would stick to squirrels, chances are society would applaud them. on the other hand, if you are a bird, and you get caught and killed by a cat, its your own damned fault. which part of the phrase "cats can't fly" is murky?

the ancient egyptians worshipped cats as gods for a reason. namely, they're awesome, and they allow an ancient city to store grain , lots of it, in one place, for a long period of time. presumably farmers worldwide still keep a cat or two around the barn.

most americans make the mistake of being either a dog person or a cat person. big mistake. the dear lord gave us both, for a good reason. namely, the good lord loves us.

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