Saturday, January 26, 2013

Defending America

WE, the american people, have created what seems like a somewhat bizarrre situation for ourselves, through inattentiveness, lack of planning, lack of direction, or what the hell ever. Namely, we call our courntry great, establish national borders, 

 wetalk about national security and the need to defend america from terrorism and other assorted evils, (like iran and north korea), then we extend our military all over the world while ignoring our own borders and pretty much allowing folks to come and go as they pretty please. Seems weird, eh? Does to me.

Obama, ever the fixer upper, intends to propose an immigration bill soon, thus stirring up another hornet's nest. Reckon we're due for another one, its been a couple of weeks since the last one. Barack the Conciliatory wants to pass a bill providing a definite, new and improved path to citizenship for the twelve or thirteen million, count 'em, illegal humans currenly residing within the heavily defended borders of old glory's land.

the republicans, not surprisingly, think this is typical feel good liberal gibberish; they came here illegally, let them leave, then return legally, and follow the clear, long established process to citizenship,  just like the rest of us, instead of being given special treatment as a reward for breaking the law.

and of course the repubs do have a point. however, though conservatives often accuse liberals of living in a world of emotions and ideals, this time its the "rep - cons" who dwelleth not in reality;
whether we like it or not, there are in fact, here in the real world, millions of "illegals" amongst us,

and standing by sacred principles of american law is not gonna feed the bulldog. I mean,hell, if we really gave a rat's ass about american law, we wouldn've allowed this situation to exist in the first place, right?

millions of people we must either deal with in some practical, workable way, or continue to pretend, for all practical purposes, don't exist. Simply kick 'em out of the country, and the devil take the hindmost?  That don't make good sense.  Hell, that don't even make good nonsense. And thank you davy crockett for that immortal line.

They are here. Deal with it, intelligently, realistically, reasonably. That's all the man is trying to say.
By the way, has anyone ever given thought to the idea of having the american military defend american territory, rather than traipsing around all over the planet, working god only know's what mischief? just a thought...

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