Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Whither The Cliff?

JUST SO THERE'S no lingering confusion, the united states did in fact go off the fiscal cliff; a budget was not agreed on in time, so an automatic budget kicked in, with its tax increases for everybody and major spending cuts by government.The budget nobody wants, but we all need.

But, heroically, just in the nick of time, the president and the senate have reached a compromise, and it passed the senate with only eight votes agianst it. So now, it need only pass the hous of reps, and much pf the tax hikes and automatic budget cuts will be reversed; the fiscal cliff will have been reversed.

It is already a big fight in the conservative house of reps, the bill has a good chances of passing, but there is strong opposition as well. It would be in our best interest as a nation to forget this bill, stay off the cliff, and absorb the tax increases and budget cuts. But we seem to lack the courage to do so.

One way or another, its gotta happen. In order to ave the nation economiclaly, we must save the currency system, and in order to save that currency system, drastic action must be taken, painful medicine must be swallowed - by all of us.

For one thing, we'll have to give up the american empire, and cut our military back to defense levels, and stop maintaining a constant war time level of military preparedness, even in peace time.

The american people are quite willing to give up the empire. They never wanted it in the first place, and never knew quite why it existed or what use it was. We the people need to convey this willingness this desire to liquidate, in no uncertain terms, to the military-industrial complex.

Eisenhower warned us about this; a permanently militarized nation, bankrupt, but too afraid to disarm.

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