SOME AMERICAN TOWN in kansas, i think, passed a law limiting cat ownership to four per person, or is it four per household? Even without knowing what this ordinance says, i don't like it, for the same reason i don't like anti smoking laws in american towns, as much as i hate smmoking; in the land of liberty shouldn't we allow the owners of bars and restaurants the freedom to decide whether smoking is permitted in their own business?
Obviously, if someone has a hundred cats living inside the home, and the animals and people are creating a great deal of noise, odor, and destructive behavior in neighboring yards, the problem should be addressed by the community. But flatly limiting who can live in a private home is treading on dangerous, tyrannical territory.
with all these layers of government, city, county, state, federal, it doesn't take much government to have too much government. we wish everyone would stop smoking and cholestoralizing, but we really do not want, when we think about it, the city of new york to make it illegal for restaurants to serve fat rich food, or drinks of more than sixteen ounces.
new york city may be well intentioned; but has gone off the edge, beyond the bounds of sanity, in its laughable attempt to make the world a more perfect place. Let the big apple serve as a dire warning to all america: even we freedom loving americans can, as a mob, create despotism, and destrooy liberty. we have done it in new york city, and we can do it anywhere.
we the american people have the potential to make a great mob, with tyrannical mob rule, with our holy political correct crusading tendencies. And god bless us for our crusading proclivities. Down with smoking! No more cholestoral! So we sit idly by, cheering when local governments behave like fascist dicatators.
Mobs are as deadly as dicatators, we soon learn. that's why we install deliberative, representative, democratically chosen government. and even then, left unattended, gevernment soon turns us into wolves and sheep, without liberty. jefferson was right.
this is a basic freedom issue; liberty or death, baby. we must unite to fight the tyranny of small town do gooder mob rule across america. liberals and conservative libertarians unite; we have only our chains to lose!
And before you russians start laughing, let me remind you that as of a few days ago, it is illegal to buy or sell beer in kiosks in moscow; one must now go into a store. of course, you russians are much more accustomed than we to being deprived of freedom; but even by russian standards, which tend to be tolerant of tyranny, limiting alcohol in any way shape form or fashion is over the line.
Does your neighbor have a few too many cats or cars? Let it pass; your own habits might someday need defending.
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