Saturday, August 11, 2012

Public or Private?

YOU WOULD THINK  that if mitt romney and GOP VP candidate designate paul ryan were truly conservative economically,  they would simply come out and advocate the destruction of medicare, medicaid, and social security. after all, those programs are all liberal, socialistic big government. 

but mitt romney and paul ryan both know that advocating the end of these socialistic programs would be political suicide. like it or not, socialism is woven deeply into the fabric of america. most people seem to like it. they should, because all three of these programs work like a charm.

both romney and ryan want to kill medicade and the others, but are afraid to, know better than to...tell the truth.

so mitt and his adopted son do the next best thing, to their way of thinking: they advoctae privatizing them. medicare, in particular. by so doing they can claim to support the programs, while in fact trying to destroy them.

a republican candidate can't advocate medicade elimination, and win. but mitt must appeal to his conservative base, at the same time. Privitization is his solution. Now is the time for all good presidential candidates to move to the middle of the road.

private health insurance and retirement saving programs already exist, mitt, but they are not adequate to cover everybody, which is why we (america) have medicare, medicaid, and social security. privatizing public programs is the same thing as eliminating public programs. 

would privatization make participation voluntary? if so, they would not longer exist in anything closely resembling their present form, and without corruption, they work just fine as they are.

may all private retirement savings programs, private health insurance for the elderly, and private health insurance for the poor, flourish. which corporations want to step forward and insure the poor and the elderly affordably? few, if any. that's why we all must contribute to some things. 

the private sector can no more insure everyone that it can build all highways, roads, and sewer systems. sometimes, we must all work together.


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