JULY WAS THE HOTTEST MONTH ever, at least since 1895, and it also had the fewest tornados. nary a one in the continental united states. so what's up? global warming, or hoax? if tornados ceased to exist altogether, should be be alarmed, or overjoyed?
you somehow sense that the torados will return with a vegeance, soon enough. and yes, absolutely, global warming opinions are merely that, even among the best scientists.
you can't help but notice, however, that the only scientists not alarmed by global warming, or pretending not to be alarmed, are being paid for their lack of overt alarm by corporations in whose best interest is failing to worry about global warming.
and even so, shouldn't we, homo aapiens, prepare for the worst, hoping it never happens? how much carbon could a few billion new trees remove from the atmosphere? enough to make a difference? because we know how much carbon is in the atmosphere, how much would be there if we weren't, and what its impact is on atmosphereic heating.
we know all this, it can and is being measured, and yet,there ar those who seem to refuse to see.
welcome to the new normal, weather - wise, say the world's climatologists, especially the young ones. be ready, in mid america, for three months each year of one hundred degree heat, and maybe enough drought to turn forested areas into prairie, or even desert.
in the mid western united states the year 1980 was noticeably hot, as were 1987 and 1988. today the trend continues. and who knows but what the heat and drought of the nineteen thirties and nineteen fifties wasn't exacerbated by human industrial activity?
the best guess is that as the years go by, new generations of climatologists will marvel at late twentieth and early twenty first century climate change deniers.
reduce carbon production, (carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, oxygen is harmless) increase carbon absorption with more trees, and start turning sea water into fresh water, and move it inland.
then get back to me and let me know how its all going. Thanks!
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