Monday, August 20, 2012

Foot IN Mouth

WHO AMONG US  has not put foot in mouth? The most recent self inflicted victim is the conservative republican senatorial candidate from missouri, todd aiken. he was actually ahead in the polls, challenging the democrat incumbant, until...

...he said that when women are legitimately raped, raped for real, nothing phony, their bodies shut down the reproductive process, and they don't get pregnant. the unsurprising uproar centered around the fact that this assertion is simply not true.

the republican conservative christian political gentleman is displaying a human tendency, to defend and assert his beliefs at all costs, even at the cost of truth, in order to perpetuate those strongly held beliefs, instead of being at all willing to change beliefs, even slightly.

We defend to the death our errors, rather than correct them. We are greatly reluctant to even mildly alter or amend our cherished beliefs, even when confronted with compelling reasons to do so.

aiken hates abortion so much that he wanted to believe that there is never any reason for it, because if a woman gets pregnant by being raped, she wasn't raped, because real rape cannot possibly result in pregnancy thus no rape which results in a pregnancy was a real rape, it was phony.

by this clever, but not clever enough, distortion of reason a political candidate has badly shot himself in the foot.

romney and the repubs are running away from this guy like he has leprosy, and you can't blame 'em.  This is a particularly serious foot in mouth because it was no slip of the tonuge, like gerald ford claiming that the russians didn't control eastern earupe, instead of western europe, or governor perry being unable to remember a government agency.

this slip of the tonue reveals a deeply held belief; if aiken and his ilk ever come to power, any woman who is brutally raped and becomes pregnant would not be allowed to legally have an abortion, because of unreasonable religious extremism.

america might not be ready for that. at least, you hope not.


please scroll down for more...THANKS!

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