Saturday, August 18, 2012

Beneath Couches

GOOD NEWS!  there is evidently a big pile of extra money just sitting around washington d c, unspent by the feds, nobdy really sure where it came from, found over at the department of transportation, rumor has it.

exactly how in the heck  five hundred million dollars can be "left over" in a government that is sixteen trillion in debt is utterly beyond comprehension, so why even try.

said fed gov has decided to basically ignore the problem, and just give the money away to the states.  aint america grand!  on one condition; recipient fifty must promise to spend said money creating jobs and repairing roads, bridges, highways - infrastructure - as we went to press it was unknown whether sewer repair could be included, and whether states have the right to distribute money to cities and towns.

This all sounds like good news, but doesn't it  make you feel just a bit uneasy? Like, if fed gov suddenly found  five hundred mil, what might if find next? and why? and, shouldn't fed gove simply use the money to make a small payment on huge nat debt?

well, that's easier said than done. much of the debt is U S treasury bonds which can be redeemed by the purchaser any time the purchaser wants. but not before.

In america, when the government finds money, we the people have really found it, and it is our! So, its a good day to be excited. and yes, the roads and bridges need repair, desperately. 

wouldn't it be great to find about another twenty tril?


please scroll down for more...THANKS!

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