THE TWO MOST IMPORTANT FACTS about taxation in america are that taxes in general are lower than in other similar countries, that is, wealthy, highly industrialized countries with a hig standard of living.
Taxation in america tends to be less progressive than in other countries similar to america, even though there is a certain progressivity to american taxation, in the income taxes.
Trickle down, supply side economics, wherein flatter taxes are supposed to stimulate the ecoomy for everyone by freeing the wealthy to invest more in private enterprise, has never been shown, according to empirical data, to have the desired effect.
Just what is the "desired effect" of supply side trickle down reagan economics? To truly create wealth for all, or to protect the wealth of the wealthy? Oftentimes there is a distinct difference between stated desires, and actual desires
The private, free market, capitalistic insurance industry in america seems alive and well, particularly the private free market health insurance business. And if socialistic, government based health insurace should ever drive the free market folks outta business, what of it? If you cain't keep up, cain't compete, throw in the towel, and try something else. Right, conservatives?
Obama care includes the free market insurance companies, using them as middle men, actually strengthening them. So its kinda hard to figure out what the conservative capitalistic folks are all hot and bothered about. Hell, what america needs is real socialized health care, like germany, and may the free market take the hindmost.
the romney plan of vouchers replacing medicaid is, of course, privatization in disguise.
fine. so be it. let's privatize all. but let's at least have enough doctors, and insurance companies, to have a little free market competition, instead of the medical monopoly we now have.
america needs leaders who are neither dogmatically, rigidly conservative or liberal, but sufficiently open minded to understand the value of diverse ideals.
socialism and capitalism both work, together, if you give 'em a chance.
please scroll down for more...THANKS!
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