Monday, September 2, 2024

Worrying About Morality in America Part II

WHETHER THE TRUMP MOVEMENT, its existence, is indicative of moral decline in America is of course a matter or mere speculation;I suspect that no sociologist, philosopher, or historian on any college campus in America can provide a well articulated answer to this question, supported by evidence, although they all may have a strong opinion about it. The entire question of societal moral delince and revival remains undecided; whatever exteme moral decline occurs in any society, there must also be periods of moral revival, and the process must be cyclical, in order for society to be sustainable; unless high or low moral standards are built into a society, and remain mmostly steady, a prospect which does not reflect well on American society. The persistence of racial hatred and genocidal policies in American society would seem to confirm that if indeed American society is morally stable, without fluctutations, then it is sustained at a level of virtue not to be envied. Maybe the Trump phenomenon is an "outlier", perhaps it indicates moral decline, or, perhaps, perish the thought, it is merely another manifestation of normal, enduring American moral behavior. Either way, I find it alarming and depressing, as do, I suspect, many other people. I ask the same question about my interactiosns with people on the internet, specifically social media, specifically Facebook, the only social medium I use. This interaction seems to me to ndicate that either American moral standards are in decline, or lack quality in the first place, either possibility of which I find disconcerting. I never try to meet people, make friends, or message people on Facebook, but I get many messages from strangers. I answer all of them, because, why else even bother to down load social media? My purpose is to promote this website; one potential essay reader at at a time, if necessary. I get many "friend reuests", I say "yes to all of them, and, invariably, within moments, the new friend messages me. About half the time its somebody tring to scam me by promising me free government nmoney, and about half the time, its an attractive young lady, looking....for something..I am not especally friendly to any of them, but I answer their questions, just to see what they want. What they all want is money. The number and variety of techniques they use to separate me from me modest money is impressive, but, at the same time..frustrating..depressing....Is there perchance anybody out there on social media who is interested in talking to me because I am an amazing, interesting, wonderful person, worth getting to know? Seemingly, not. Many if not most of the attractive young women ask questions about me, decide they like me, and offer to come and visit me - if I will kindly pay for their trip, either by sending them gas money, or airfare. of course I offer to do either. Many of them claim to be starving, or in eminent danger of homelessness. I mistrust these claims. They want the money in advance, and they want it to be sent online. I offer to provide them with cash when they knock on my front door, but they refuse this offer. They want gas money, they all say, only because they have no money to pay for gas, so they say. all of them. Ther is evidently an empiemic of previously middle class young American women suddenly being bankrupt, dead broke. More likely, their is an epidemic of shrewd operators who realize that they want to be paid in advance, just in case the dude is a dweeb and they make a trip for nothing, or, perhaps just as likely, they are in truth not at all broke, not at all. but simply wish to recoup their investment in advance, or, perhaps, take the gas money and vanish. I know for a fact that the government people are crooks, whether the young ladies seeking gas moner are, well.... Either way, to me, the whole business seems shady, and dishonest. Whether this pervasive behavior indicates societal moral decline, of whether attractive young American women have always behaved like this is....subject to debate.

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