Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Trump, Losing On Immigration

THERE SEEMS TO BE a general consensus that Donald Trump has an advantage on two major issues; the economy, and immigration. It requires nothing more than a cursory examination of the facts to see that this notion is wholly incorrect. Without question the American economy is healthy, vigorous, and productive, with only lingering inflation to spoil the party. But inflation has come down drastically under Biden, just as it increased drastically under Trump By early next year, inflation will likley have returned to prepandemic levels. We must bear in mind that some inflation is desirable, and there is an acceptble level of it. Most economists believe that this level is about two percent. It is now approaching that, as it comes down. Anyone who understands the true immigration situation in the United States will agree that the "problem" has always existed, that no president has totally solved it, but that arguably Biden has done as well as any other president, including Ronald Reagan, who gave amnesty to millions of undocumented Latin American immigrants, a big no no among conservatives. Trump is not joking when he says he would initiate the greatest mass deportation project in American and human history. This would include mass arrests, detentions, and incarcerations of undocumented workers, millions of them, rounded up and herded into concentration camps until further action, deportation. Trump's entire political career and the conservative movement in general are built upon anger, resentment, a sense of being cheated, a sense of white Christians being replaced by black and brown skinned people, of their white Christian heritgage being reduced to minority status, both racially and in terms of religious affiliation. Whether brown or black skinned, conservatives and Trump followers hate immigrants, whetehr legal or otherwise. MOre than ten million Latinos, arrested, rounded up, locked up, kicked out: that is Trump's plan. Aside from the blatant cruelty and barbarism of it, this plan would entirely wreck the American economy by depriving it of millions of workers, destroying millions of jobs and businesses, plunging the United States into an instant depression, or tremendous economic recession. Whether we white Christian Americans like it or not, we need these millions of Latino workers in our country, legal, undocumented, which ever. We have allowed them in, willfully or not, have absorbed them into the economy,and have become, alas, dependant on them. Migration is basic human nature. Humans were complete, perpetual migrants until quite recently in human hsitory. We still cannot stop moving around. No matter where we live, we want to go somehwere else, want to travel, want to roam, in search of better things...In today's world millions of people are on the move, all over the planet, seeking refuge from disastrous political and economic circumstances precipitated largely by climate change, and human nature. Migratory behavior among us humans is only going to increase, drastically, as more millions of people, fleeing rising coastal waters, droughts, wildfires, and floods, seek refuge in safer places. Its going to get worse before it gets better. The southern American border is out of control and badly needs to be organized and brought under control. Except for Trump, this would now be happening. Only Trump has prevented the soutern border from being organized and under control, and all the Democrats need to so is make damned sure the American people understand that fact. As for who won the debate, Trump said at one point that immigrants from Haiti are eating cats and dogs in Ohio, and he stood by it when challenged. He has problems, to say the least. This wasn't even the most stupid thing Trump said during he debate,not by a country mile. If he wins the election, heaven help us.

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