Thursday, September 12, 2024

Sending Nude Pics Online

I HAVE A CHROMEBOOK, which I guess is a small laptop, a tablet, and a smart phone. So, I am not entirely without the devices which make a person a bona fide member of the twenty first century. Only thing is, I fail to take full advantage of them. For some reason, for instance, I am not a great fan of texting, although I certinaly have nothing against the technology, consider it beneficial to humankind, and have no objection to people texting. I, however, kinda stay away from it. I finally, after severl years of smart phoning, learned how to text message. I tried it, found I didn't like it much, and stopped doing it. An ever great struggle took place in my life concerning what we call "selfies". Holding a telephone a few feet from my face, pointing it at myself, and taking a pciture of my own head has never been appealing to me, thus, I never learned how to take a self photo, long after everybody in this great nation was sending selfies back and forth like nothing flat. At length, however, I relented, and over time, by short starts and stops, taking baby steps, I learned how to take a selfie. On Facebook, if you do not have a pciture of yourself to send and share, you are nobody. For years I informed people messaging me that the only photo of me was on my website, which it was, this website, and in almost every instance, this information greatly angered people, and, in some instances, inspired them to stop talking to me. So be it. No problem, anyone asking for a picture of me but too lazy to visit a website to see it has only a limited interest in the picture, and, well, doing without them is no problem. I was and still am surprised by the number of so called "friend requests" I receive on Facebook, while using it only to promote this website and to distribute negative but factual information about conservatism and Trump. And so it came to be that I started sending "selfies" to strangers on Facebook. I had assumed that pictures of my sixty nine year old face would deter attention from attractive women, but instead it seems to have had no discernable impact on it, and,if anything, has increased it. I keep getting compliments about how young and handsome and sexy I look. This only inspires more selfies from me. Enhanced even more is my strong long held suspicion that the only reason, ultimately, why attractive yound women even bother to message me is their desire to trick me, and probably to thousands of other people, mainly old men, out of their moncy. They all indicate right up front that they are indeed looking for a serious relationship, for the love of their lives, for the ultimate perfect soul mate, on Facebook. Sometimes these computer relationships turn serious, and, for all intents and purposes, become real. I have been told that there are thousands of married couple in America right now consisting of people who met online. More power to them. I wish I would meet somebody other than a young attractive lady who either is a scam artist for real, or who behave for all the eorld as if they are. Sometimes the women send me a sexy picture of themselves, sartorially compromised, insufficient garmentry. I have, only for the purpsoes of scientific research, at time reciprocated. There seems to be a bit of a "thrill", a certain adrenalin rush, albeit a small one, associated with it. So, I shall presumably continue with, among other projects, my online sociological research. Its rather fun, and besides, one must find something to do with all these electronic devices.

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