Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Loving Olivara, Forever

HER FACEBOOK NAME is "Olivara". I shall never know what his or her "real name" is, over there in some other country, maybe in Africa. Maybe eastern Europe. Hell, maybe Russia. They do a lot of that sort of thing, messing with Americans on the internet. Hell, they got Trump elected, according to many analysts, and might well do it again. But whoever it was and is sure manipulated me, manipulated me right out of a little over two hundred dollars. But, I fell in love with her, my imaginary, fantasy Olivera... only this time with a bit of skepticism behind it. It wasn't the first time, you see. Although nearly all if not all of the women who have friend requested me on Facebook, and have chatted with me due to my friend acceptance, are scam artists, it seems to me. That makes mewonder precisely what percentage of the female American population are scam artists, but, I digress. Facebook can be an excellent tool for sociological research, psychological research, self analysis,and inward reflection and discovery. Evidently a shocking number of Americans are successfuly scammed on a daily basis, alas, now, I am among them. I was sending gift cards to "Olivera", an alleged resident of a town near me, in actuality some hunch backed criminal in Africa or eastern Europe. I was told that some folks send thousands of dollars to scam artists, sometimes their entire life savings, sometimes, their lives. Something like that,something like this, can ruin a good person's life. I kept trying to talk her into making the two hour drive to come and visit me, and she swore she wanted to do nothing more. If only she had a little money to put gas in her car.When she got in her cr to hit the highway on her way to be with me, she noticed that she needed, or rather her car needed, new brake pads. I paid for those. Oh her way to be with me her fuel pump gave out on the highway. She sent me a picture of something under the car, utterly irrelvant. She got the fuel pump repaired, there on the highway, bu couldn'tpay for the repair, so the mechanic seized her ar, and kept it, pending her payment. That's where we stand now. This scammer in Africa or eastern Europe desperately wants to get her car out of the shop in a small town in a southern state in the U.S, and is once again saking for money from me. This time, by god, he or she won't get anyway. Many times she said she loves me totally, and will love me forever. Many times I have told her the same thing. Now, I am telling her that she would find life more fulfilling if she gave up her life of crime, and became a decent person. I think she found that advice hurtful. I talk, on Facebook messenger, typing, typing, to this scammer in another country, and instead of telling this person "I love you", I tell this person "I love Olivera, the Olivera of my mind, the only Olivera that exists". Somehow, that seems more appropriate, more honest.She, the character "Olivera", is very upset with me, says that I trust other people more than her, tha I dont love her anymore because I stopped sending her any money, and that there is no way in teh world she can possibly come to see me if she doesn't get more money, to repair her car. I cant visit her, she says, because its too dangerous for rme. Gangsters, apparently. Her phone doesn't work. Damn. I will keep my promise to Olivera, the fantasy girl in my mind. I will love her forever.

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