Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Evangelicals, Leaving Trump

NOBODY IS TAKING A LOOK at Kamala Harris, then changing their mind, abandoning her, and supporting Trump instead. Once Kamala, always Kamala. She has that irrestable magnetism, positive, joyful attitude, plus, the good looks. But a significant number of Trump supporters are indeed tossing their MAGA cap in the dust bin of history,and switching to Kamala. Mostly these are "lesser of two evils" types, not necessarily devout, fervant Trumpsrs. However, there is now a fair number of true MAGA Trumpers of the evangelical Christian kind who are also loosing patience, or have lost it, and are defecting from Trump. Since an overwhelmingly high percentage of American evangelical Christians supports Trump, and since the evangalical community constitutes a significant portion of Trump's support, and since they are among the most devout Trump votaries; any discernable defections at all from this powerful constituency are significant. In modern America, where religion has been brought into the cahpel and is now preached from the pulpit, we know and have seen how entire congregations have split into sepearate churches over politics, along liberal - conservative lines. The crack in the rock solid evangelical Trump political edifice also causes consternation among the faithful flock. The devout faithful who support Trump tend to closely associate the billionaire game show host and real estate investor with Jesus Christ, and many are willing to openly, unabashadly assert that Christ himself, representing God Almighty, has ordained and decided that Trump once again become president. To rectify any possible internal moral contradictions concerning a true Christian giving political support to such an obviously and openly sinful man, all evangelical Christians have at their disposal a varied and formidibale array of arguments to support their ostensible hypocrisy. Thus, attempting to convert most Christian Trumpers to a more reasonable political viewpoint is, for the most part, a hopeless enterprise. One of their standard arguments is that in the Bible, the Lord often promotes men of low moral character to postiions of great importance, for His own mysterious reasons. That may be true, but as they say, never try this at home. God can perhaps get away with over rating reporbates; we humans are better off not atempting it. The more religious a person is, the more likely the same person is to be conserivatve, politicaly, and in other ways. This is because deeply religious people are strongly attracted to traditional values, as are deeply conservative people. The Christian religion is a traditional institution, with traditional values, and white male patriarchy, capitalism, suppression of minority rights, and xenophobic nationalism are as well. Conservatives are more inclined to accept and respect existing authority, progressives are far more likely to question and disapprove of such traditional authority. Goethe said: "The world advances only because of those who oppose it". Progressive, liberal political ideology tends to oppose the traditional, the existing world, and to embrace change, hence, "progressivism". It is the world's progressives, those dissatisfied with the status quo, who cause the world to change and make progress. The right wing evangelicals who are abandoning Trump have realized that despite Trump's willingness to cater to them, that he is not really one of them, does not truly share their beliefs and values, and, in fact, cares nothing about them. Some of them have perhaps accepted the reality that supporting Trump is not the truly Christian thing to do. There may come a time when many more of them come to the same realization.

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