Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Trump's Highly Consequential Prevaricating

Donald Trump, while he was president, in front of God and the world, told no fewer than thirty thousand lies, blatant ones. Jeff Bezo's Washington Post published them, on a daily basis, Bezos being no fan of Trump. He needn't have bothered; nearly all the lies were so incredible, obviously lies, so idiotic, or easily disproval, that everyone knew they were lies, the moment he spoke them. The difference is how people reacted to them. Some people chose to believe Trump's lies, some, to ignore them, and those are the two modes of operation of Trump supporters. And, of course, Trump didnt suddenly become honest when he left office. To this day, he continues to spout his brazen, harmful lies, his supporters keep believing or ignoring them, and the rest of us shake our heads and ponder at the state of morality in Christian conservative America. Two Trump lies in particular were particularly harmful, particularly heinous, and, arguably, should have resulted in criminal conviction and incarceration for his orangeness. Number one of course is the great election lie, which has done and continues to do incaliulable damage to the United States of America. Words never divided the United States more severely and completely as Trump's big election lie. This national division, which existed before the election but has only grown after it, carries on, unabated. Families have been torn apart, fiendships severed. All around the country, thousands of election polling place workers hve been harassed, threatened, intimidated, stalked, hounded. These people are the very best American citizens, folks willing to volunteer for a thankless but invaluable, crucial, vital job. Thousands of good people have been forced out of the noble work, now, there is a severe shortage of polling place workers, which may impact the forthcoming election. Voting might not be a smooth and efficient as people have come to expect. And yes, instances of actual violence or property damage being inflicted on innnocent people by angry, rabid Trump supporters are numerous. Trump is culpable for all of this; the mass harassment, the trauma, violence, and property destruction, all Trump's doing. He should be held liable for it, held accountable. Trump's other horrendoud and especially harmful lie was uttered only a few days ago, and is nowprobably more famous than any lie Trump has told with the possible exception of the elction, is the one about Haitain immigrants eating dogs and cats in Ohio. We'veall hear it, and the nation is currently in an uproar over it. Meanwhile, the city Trumpmentioned as the scene of haitiani cat anddgo consumption is in complete turmoil, to the point of temporarily, one hopes, being completely shut down. Schools closed, and so forth. Death threats and vandalism by Trump supporters, doing their usual thing. The Haitian immigrant community, which is rather large, in Ohio may be in imminent peril. The violence could spread, and become quite serious. To make matters even worse, Trump keeps repeating this outrageous lie, exactly as he has done with the election lie, doubling down as we like to say, and V.P. candidate Vance is doing teh same. That will only make it worse. Several died during Trump's Capitol insurrection, for which he is responsible. Whatever property damage and violence takes place regarding this immigrant accusation will also be Trump's fault. And of course, as many people have reminded uos, those who support Trump and carry out his violence on his behalf are no less guilty than he.

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