Monday, September 9, 2024

Getting Scammed, For Real

IT FINALLY HAPPENED TO ME. I got scammed on the internet, soecifically, on Facebook. Maybe it was inevitable. Maybe I am not alone, although I feel as if I am. Predictably, she was a beautiful woman, a beautful woman who only needed a little gas money to come d visit me. Then, she needed to repair her car. You begin to get the point. It wasn't going to end. I had always refused to send money to people I dont know, people I have never met in person. I had and have always refrained from conducting any financial transactions online. I refuse to utilized online banking, I am not interested in shopping at Amazon dot com, and I have no interest in investing in "bitcoin". No internet money, nothing. I do not like electronic money, abstract money. Maybe I would be better off dragging around huge stones, are bartering my labor and work,or sticking with gold coins. But ultimately, isnt it all artificial, abstract? This woman insisted on gift cards, which I had never heard of, despite their being displayed in racks of merchandise at the very front of the Dollar General store. I had never heard of electronic gift cards. I am told they are quite popular I still talk to the "lady" in Facebok messenger. I figure its my only chance of getting my money, about sixty five dollars, back from her, or, getting some closure to this horrible nightmare. First, I got scammed by an imposter of Sandra Bullock. The difference there was that I knew all along, from the beginning, that the Sandra Bullock message was quite likely an imposter. But, she was convincing. This lady would not give me her street address, and told me her smart phone ws broken, or needed money to buy minutes, or flags alla ournd, which I choose to notice, but accept. Big mistake, of course. Red warning flags pop up for a reason, and should not only be noticed, but acted upon. With this "lady", who is, I fear, actually a criminal, I broke every rule in my own book, and I am paying for it. however, I knew I was taking a chance, and I took it. I ried to do something worthwhile, and got burned. And for that, I ought not feel ashamed, but should remember my good intentions, and hold my head high, knowning I am a a good person. So distraught wasI yesterday that I failed to even write and publish an essay, a rarity for me. But that too is forgiveable, and since I forgive others, I should forgive myself. When one considers tha nature of the inernet and the world, the crime rate, the amount of financial fraud and white collar crime, where it seems everybody is trying to scam everybody else, it is not difficult to despair. One must realize that we humans have from the beginning been terrified, deceitful, violent little creatures, based to a large extent on the fact that for almost our entire history of existence on this planet, we humans hav been prey for larger, faster, stronger animals. We have been food, prey. Now we habe become predators, and our fear, anger, and memories we bring with us. We understand that by completely subduing others, we survive. Or, we think we do. The incredible level or highly organized violence in the world now...Ukraine, Gaza, and many the most distressing, depressing circumstance of all, for it proves that we humans have not evolved enough, hae not grown and learned and improved enough, to transcend our terrified, deceitful, violent basic inner nature. So here we remain, terrified, deceitful, violent, scamming each other, and living in our self made world of violence and other nightmares.

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