Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Corrupting Capitalism

THIS CRAZY ECONOMIC SYSTEM, whatever you want to call it, in which a few people have most of the money, is a double edged sword which produces great material wealth but utterly corrupts the world by concentrating the wealth, corrupting politics, and destroying the bioshpere, meaning us. We can call this system "capitalism", knowing what we are talking about, but, as every economist and most lay people will tell you, what we have in America and around the world today is not true capitalism, but some distorted version of it. The ongoing but soon to mercifully come to an end American presidential conflict perfectly illustrates both the economic and the political corruption. Like all American presidential elections, this one is being purchased, and the asking price will exceed one billion dollars, as will the final bill. I remember how shocked I was when I was informed that Bill Clinton, or his supporters and corporate benefactors, purchased the 1992 presidency for a staggering thirty million bucks. That total doesn't seem so staggering now. And although Kamala Harris has accumulated a huge number of small private donors, jsut as Barrack Obama did,in an impressive and truly grass roots campaign, in the end, much of her campaign war chest of hundreds of millions of dollars will turn out to have been gotten from corporations of the fortune five hundred kind. And, much like Barrack Obama, Bill Clinton, and every other president, Kamala Harris will, almost certainly, prove to be nothing more than yet another corporate puppet in the White House. It is of course premature to hurl such a horrible accusation at anybody,and she may pleasantly, joyfully surprise us, but, as they say, we'll see. "Populism" is supposedly when the will and wishes of we the people at large take command of the political process, and the nation is governed from the grass roots up. Throw in a charismatic, authoritarian ruler to implement the will and wishes of we the people, and Eureka! fascism is born. Fascism is a substitute for democracy, which is too cumbersome, messy, and ineffective, and needs a Caeser, Hitler, or Turmp to step up and make it happen. America's conservative community, the white evangelical Christian pro gun capitalistic community, have given up on liberal democracy, demmocracy according to the rule of law and the voting process, because it simply does not produce the results they so fervantly desire, because their agenda has only minority support in the United States, if rather strong minority support. Trump will get many votes, but no enough. Abortion will be legal, there will be no Christian nationalism, and socialistic institutsions and practices will reamin in effect in America, at the end of the day, to use that awful expression. The only politician in the U.S. who truly has the best interests of all the people in mind, the only true leader independent from corporate control, is Bernie Sanders, and perhaps A.O.C. His successful political career should remains as an inspiration to all good true American democratic socialists, that, among this corporate capitalist chaos, change and progress are still possible. Meanwhile, the billionaires and billion dollar corporations still own and control the United States, and her political system. Less than one percent of we the American people have more than twenty five percent of the money, and we the people have no real power; we are subjagated to accept the few limited choices which our corporate masters condescend to give us. Maybe one day soon one person will have all the money in the world, every penny, and will have all political power, and his choice of which religion to establish as official.

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