Friday, September 13, 2024

Trump and the MAGA Mob, Doing It All Over Again

DONALD TRUMP, with his millions member MAGA mob, is planning to do it all over again, planning to respond to an election loss by claiming that the election was stolen from him through massive fraud. The violent component,something akin to the MAGA mob capitol insurrection of January 6, 2021, is also still possible, is certainly not "off the table". He is already laying the groundwork in his daily utterances, referring to the possibility of fraud, preparing us for act two of the great Trumpian attempt to overthrow the results of a presidential election, violently if necessry, because he lost it. Its amazing, when you think about all that, happening again. And yet, it cannot be ruled out. If it does, it will seem to many of us that we have truly entered the Twilight Zone. The question is, in the probable event of a Trump loss to Harris, will Trump truly make his outrageous claim again, and, more importantly still, will his followers buy into it again, believe and embrace it, and turn into self deluded treasonous traitors,again? The bad news is that every indication, all early indactions are that they indeed would and will. The worse news is, it seems almost inevitable that they will, that tens of millions of self deluded far right wing Americans will once again deceive themselves into believing an outlandish Trump lie. There is every reason to believe that the level of frustration, disappointment, and anger among Trump voters will be no less, and indeed somewhat greater, than when Trump lost the 2020 presidential election to Biden. The zealously insane religious component to the MAGA movement fuels the fire, so to speak. Among evangelical Christians there is the infamous and widespread delusion that God often elevates characters of low morality to positions of great importance, for His own mysterious reasons, and that this is what He is doing with Trump. Seldom if ever have large numbers of people jointly embraced such an idiotic, dangerous, and harmful notion. GOd can and will do whatever He, She, or It will; our task here is to select, by the democratic process, intelligent leaders of high, not low mmoral character. Everyone, including Trump, who had anything to do with the Capitol insurrection and indeed the whole election lie scheme of Trump should be in prison. Many of them are. Trump's famous debate claim that immigrants are eating cats and dogs in Ohio is going viral, as a classic example of a Trmp remark that is both crazy insane, and totally false. The remark is Trump, personified. Whatever is wrong with Trump, pathological narcissism, obsessive pathological lying, its getting worse. Whether Trump wins or loses, the nation is is for a turbulent period ahead. If he wins, and if the Republicans control Congress, Trump will be emboldened to support and falilitate every single crazy, fascist idea that Project 2025, mainstream conservative America, and himself so fervantly wish to implement, including criminization of homosexuality and abortion, and mass persecution of undocumented immigrants. Trump would willingly make himself a tool of the Christian Nationalists,simply to fortify his own position of power. Frightening. Alarming. If Trump loses, here we go again with Trump, his career over, and facing more felony prosecutions, trying to foment a revolution to put himself in power, illegally. He will have the support of millions of people in this, so, it will be quite volatile. Stay tuned, and, as they say, fasten your selt belts.

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