Monday, September 23, 2024

Naked Blackmailing

I JOINED FACEBOOK LATE, probably no more than seven years ago, if memory serves. I knew going in that I was not interested in meeting people, making friends, or chasing women, because I had had experience doing that back at the turn of the century when America On Line ruled the internet, and people were flyng all over the country to hook up. I had decided, between the years 2000 and 2005 on AOL that living one's social life online, vicariously, was, as they say, "for the birds". Yes, it can work. But crazy as the real world is, its still saner than the internet. (That's very frightening, or should be). Women flew in from all over the country, I did a little traveling myself, but nothing ever really worked out. However, no regrets. All experiences have value. On Facebook, I would confine my concerns to promoting this website, and to politics, specifically, strenuously opposing conservatism, and Trump. Yes, my "career" on Facebook was inspired, at least in part, by Donald J. Trump. It isn't easy to admit that. I can honestly say that both the website promotional and the conservative and Trump oppostion aspects have gone extremely well, and pretty much as expected, mostly a lot of self satisfying preaching to the choir on my part, but at the other components, friendship formation and the pursuit of women, both of which I had resolved to assiduously avoid, not so much. Indeed over the seven or so years I have not made many, if any, Facebook friends, even though I have the maximum limit of five thousand on my friends list. Most of these were and remain actual strangers, if political fellow soldiers in progressive arms. Its the women which, or who became the problem, a big problem. I habitually spent about an hour on Facebook a day, posting ads for this website and sharing and commenting on anti-conservative anti-Trump posts. The more time went by,the more my Facebook feed became unindated with anti-Stu posts, alogn with scenicbeaut, cats, and sports. The great Artificial Intellgence God nows exactly what we all like, who we are,everything about us. We may as well accept it. I wanted as many "friends" a possible to be on my list, to increase the impact of my advertising, so, I accept any and all friendship requests, including those from strangers, which almost all are. At one point is began to seem as if every friend request I received, whether from a male or female, was a scammer, and it still does. I managed, through careful selection,to accumalte a five thousnad member list of Facebook friends, almost all of whom are politically progressive political animals. I have built my own little liberal bubble around,and I safely, happily live in it. The attractive young women who messaged, and continue to message me I continue to resposd to, but I do not add them permanently to my friend list: I don't see them being beneficial by helping to defeat Trump and conservatism. But I did talk to them, as sort of sociolgical pyschological reaearch, to find out what they want. Invariably, they want money, and like cyber prostitutes..most of them dangle a subtle indirect offer of sex for money. They kept getting angry with me for not having the ability to take a selfie and sending it to them. I often explained thea I had no itneret in selfies,which perplexes most people, but, eventually, quite by accident,I learned how to take one. By and by some of the picutres came naked. Resonding to pressure,I started sending naked pictures of myself to qualified ladies, most of whom expressed gret gratitude and admiration, flatteringly. I need to curtail that, though, because one bitch who got mad at me threatened to distribute my naked self far and wide. Then, she turned nasty, and demanded money. Oh well. Hell, If I think about it, I really dont care at this point who sees me naked. I should be flattered that anybody even wants to.

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