Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Destroying Democracy/ Destroying America

SO GREAT IS THE DIVIDE in the United States, basically along liberal-conservative lines, that approximately one third of the members of both communities firmly, absolutely believe that the other side is trying to not only destroy democracy in America, but to destroy America her self. Whether these angry, cynical, paranoid people think the destroyers are doing it, knowingly, on purpose, or merely as an unintended consequence of misguided policies surveys do not ask, strangely. With regard to our great national division, I must confess that I am part of the problem, not the solution. I have been a libera Democrat for decades, but as I grow older, rather than becoming more conservative, I seem to be becoming more progressive, moving farther to the left, certainly not the center. Bernie Sanders is my candidate, and,I must further confess, I am among those who accuse the other side of attempting to destroy democracy and America. With regard to America, I am convinced that their destruction attempt is accidental; they themselvs that their malign agenda for the country is in fact virtuous, and pro American. I strenuously beg to differ. Democray is another matter. It seem evident that the attempt to destory democacy by America's conservatives is made evident by their evident desire to elevate Donald Trump to the level of a virtual dictator,and authoritarian president immune to criminal prosecution,no matter what heinous crimes he commits. Indeed, that is not democratic. Nor is it especially democratic to deny the winner of an election, try to steal the election, and then try to overthrow the government. Conservative America did indeed do all that. If the Christian religion ever becomes official in the U.S.,Amercaas weknow it,nd as the founders intended it,will be gone, forever. America will have been destroyed in its present and traditional state of being. Christian nationalism is a very strong strain within the conservative community, and their misconception is their belief that Christian nationalism is pro - American, more American than our secular democracy, a Christian America that the founders intended. This is completely false, of course. Christian Nationalist conservatives believe that by Christianizng the United States they are saving it, when in fact they are destroying it, or trying to,unwittingly. The people trying to save the America the foudners created and intended art those supposedly radical lefties preaching about the sacred separation of church and state. This sacred first amendment founding principle the Christian nationalist delude themselves into believing does not actually exist, that the separation of church and state is some sort of insidious invention of the far left, part of a left wing war against America and the Christian faith. Pure fiction. Comparing America's political right wing and left wing in terms of environmental policy, particularly regarding climate change, is quite revealing. The Republican party agenda calls for the continued exploitation of fossil fuels, and says nothing about climate change, doesn't even mention it. I can think of no better way to destroy ot only America, but the entire world, than by continuing to exploit fossil fuels and to ignore climate change. And, of course, democracy. Nor are we going to save America by immolating the government, and turning our economy into an unregulated, wild west corporate capitalistic free for all. Banning Books, covering up racism, and denying rights to immigrants and minorities doesn't help build a better America either.

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