Saturday, September 21, 2024

Counting Votes By Hand

THE GREAT STATE of Georgia is solid purple, with black Democrats in Atlanta giving the state a chance to become, in a better, future world, progressive. Often, however, it fails to be progressive these days, due to entrenched Republican control of vital state offices. The state election commission, totally red, evident Trump supporters and thus unhinged with 2020 election fraud conspiracy theories, has decided that all votes in the forthcoming election in Georgia must be counted by hand. Whether a higher, saner Georgia state or federal court will overturn this nonsense remains to be seen, but, there isn't much time left to do it. Since about five million votes are likely to be cast in the presidential election in Georgia, the final count will not, under this system, be complete until days, maybe many days, after election day. Thus, the entire nation, we the American people will quite possibly not know the final outcome of the Harris -Trump war, not only late on election, but not the next day, or the next, or the next. It could drag on for weeks, the undecided national presidential election hanging in the balance, as human beings steadily but very slowly count in Georgia..This could be the last straw. This could be the final jolt which rips America apart, the final jolt into civil and chaos and anarchy, as mobs of Trump supporters from all over the country descend on Georgia, waving swastikas and confederate battle flags, offering to help count the votes. The media would have a field day, or a field week or month, stirring the pot with rumor speculaton and analysis endlessly, in- terminably. The idiots who voted to hand count the votes fail to understand that human beings are far more innacurate, less efficient than computers, and that therefore human vote counting will actually make the final vote totals less reliable, less accurate, than merely letting the computers do it. Or perhaps they do realize this and want it this way, to give Trump and his gangster MAGA support mob a chance to mess with the vote tally. With Trump, there is no conspiracy theory too outrageous to be true, Trump and his mob will try to install Trump as president again, beginning very soon, regardless of the actual vote count nationally, regardless of the electoral college results, regardless of the election outcome. Since the big Trump election lie of election night, twenty twenty, Republicans have been attacking and trying to change the electoral system in red states all across America's fruited plain, suppressing the voter turn out, making it far more difficult and tedious to vote, all contray to the principles of democracy and America, all in the false name of improving vote count accuracy, of eliminating fraud, which, it has been proven, is largely nonextant in U.S. elections. Trump supporters, Republicans, conservatives, evangelical Christians, all know that Trump lost the last election,and that their crusade to install him in office was immoral and illegal, but they do not care. To join the MAGA gangster mob is to forfeit all claim to morality and decency, and patriotism. The tens of millions of people who support their convicted felon former president are no more concerned about moral principles and democratic due process now than they were four four years ago. If anything they are less so... The tragedy fo millions of Americans abandoning moralit and democracy in desperation to implement their unpopular agenda poses a dire threat to the nation, and that threat only grows as electon day approaches.

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