MUCH HAS BEEN MADE of the recently revealed interviews with Bob Woodward and the president, in which Trump is exposed as having lied to the people about the severity of the virus, having known of its severity in February, and pretended otherwise, what he lamely calls" downplaying to avoid panic". In fact, Trump has been "downplaying "lying) about Covid 19 all along, all through the spring, summer, and right up to today. Just yesterday, he once again lied, telling the nation that "we have turned the corner" when in fact we have done nothing of the kind, the virus is worse thane ever, still out of control , and now two hundred Americans are dead from, with another one hundred thousand predicted to die by the end of the year. The president continues to lie about Covid 19, as he always has, even though its nightmarish reality is and has been well known to everyone for six months. Why? Obviously to avoid personal blame and to gain reelection, hoping that the voters will not associate the epidemic with him, that's why. Whatever panic the American people experienced has long been manifested in a flurry of mask wearing, home staying, and job losing. The panic cat is out of the bag, so to speak. For months we have been dealing with the virus in a calm, bored, dark, dreadful, sometimes humorous way, what else can we do? So how can Trump possibly claim that he is downplaying the epidemic to avoid panic? In every lie, there is a loophole. As lies are multiplied to avoid discovery of the first lie, inconsistencies emerge, and the entire network comes crashing down as one lie fall son top of the others. We've all been involved in this, we've all seen it happen, usually, embarrassingly, to ourselves. Now, as usual, its Trump's turn. Joe Biden, and the rest of America, ought to be, and probably soon will be asking this president exactly why on Earth he is still downplaying the virus, when, after all the months, there is no panic, never has been any, and never will be. Think about it. This point cannot be made too often or too strongly. Even after six months of Covid 19 hell, long after the word "panic" has lost all relevance in the midst of post panic misery, our president persists in downplaying the disaster, and has initiated or led no effort to combat it. he dismisses it smugly, while holding MAGA rallies with unmasked people packed together like sardines. The only possible reason is that the president, in his world of delusion, wants to deceive us all. Panic is no longer even remotely possible as an explanation for downplaying the virus. We have all long been award of the pandemic disaster, have already panicked, long ago.It is too late for panic, too late for lies, and too late for Trump to escape blame for his sick, twisted thinking and his failure to provide any semblance of leadership. And it is too late, far too late, for the people who still support this criminal president to reclaim any claim to morality, basic human decency, or responsible citizenship.
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