IF NOTHING ELSE, Trump and the Republicans, true to sexually predatory form, will have nominated and confirmed to the high court the hottest justice in SCOTUS history. Great looking little gal, in the lingo of your typical red neck uncouth Trump supporter. Congratulations are also in order for those whose decision it is who lies and who lies not in state in the capitol rotunda. Ruth Bader Ginsburg breaks a long tradition of rotundral misogyny and anti-rotundaral-Semitism by becoming the first ever woman and the first ever Jewish person to so lie. We have missed many prior opportunities. The missed opportunity short list of venerable but unvenerated women and Jews includes: Eleanor Roosevelt, justice Sandra Day O'Conner, Rosa Parks, Francis Perkins, Albert Einstein, Jerry Lewis, and Irving Berlin, among many other eminently qualified but unlaid in state people, and the beat goes on. The future, however, and the future Supreme court belong not to the venerable dead, but rather to the young and the attractive. The newest conservative trick out of the bag, the third in trump's SCOTUS hat trick of right wing interpreters of the law, is to place on the court the youngest possible person, to have the longest possible impact in remaking America in the image of of right wing reactionary radicalism. Young, beautiful, well educated in law school in the Ivy league, ultra conservative women on the high court, reshaping America into a free market theocracy well into the twenty second century. They might as well nominate and confirm buxom, toothy, leggy FOX NEWS anchor ladies. The United States Supreme court has always been political, partisan, biased, despite the impression in our era of ceaseless partisan political feuding, that the court rised above the fray. It most certainly does not, and never has. it does not, despite its outward appearance of nine wizened, berobed paragons of wisdom ensconced within halls of marble, dispensing dispassionate justice from on high. Over the centuries, it has expanded, contracted, packed, and unpacked, depending upon the vicissitudes and exigencies of whimsical circumstance. Look for the democrats, if they come to power, to enlarge the courts and pack it with liberals in retaliation, since the constitution, by not preventing them from doing this, allows it. It wouldn't be the first time, and it won't be the last.
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