Friday, September 25, 2020

Diverging Friendship

 A LONG TIME FRIEND of mine suggested that since he and I have strikingly divergent opinions and perceptions of President Trump's "accomplishments'. we'd best refrain from further discussing the president. Unable to refrain from throwing one psrting shot,m he went on to say that 'the swamp" as he put it, was trying to "upend" the president, as he put it and his, said alleged accomplishments. I responded that there exists no "swamp:, metaphorical or literal, trying to "upend' anybody, but that there are many millions of good people, including myself, who are trying hard to remove a traitorous and criminal president. I agreed that no further discussion between us is needed, and that we could settle our differences the right way, at the ballot box. As a Trump supporter, I'm not sure how much importance or faith he places on voting, or for that matter, on the desirability of accepting foreign election assistance. With supreme effort, I resisted the overwhelming temptation to break the bargain and inquire of my friend what he lists as Trump's 'accomplishments", other than setting a new world record for average number of lies told per day over a four year period. Alas, I can only speculate. My, friend, somewhat prone to imaginative thinking might have claimed as a Trump accomplishment that Trump has rendered the "deep state" impotent, and, given a second term, will crush it utterly. he might say that Trump has extricated teh United States from all manner of foreign entanglements which not only robbed our nation of her national sovereignty, but reduced her under tyranny, as Jefferson might have said, leaving her at the mercy of a nefarious global cabal of shadowy elites whose intent is to control and exploit the U.S. for its own dark and shadowy purposes, under the false premise of internationally cooperating to fight human caused climate change, a hoax meant to facilitate the above stated dark shadowy nefarious multinational purposes, whatever they may be. He might say that the president has exposed and thus spoiled a mainstream liberal media conspiracy to "upend" his administration by spreading false information and hoaxes such as a Covid 19 epidemic hoax intended to foment discontent with the Trump administrations and incite a revolutions usurpation, a coup against Trump. My friend might insist that Trump has either drained the swamp, whatever this might metaphorically mean, or is going to do so soon, or is trying against great odds and numerous conspiracies to do so. He might say many, many things, list many supposed Trump accomplishments, of tenuous veracity at best, suspiciously dubious and illusory, make believe, fabricated,  and indicative of seriously distorted perception and twisted, tortured, unhealthy thinking at worst. but we'll never again talk about all that, guaranteeing that we'll remain friends.

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