Wednesday, September 16, 2020

All Lives Mattering Not Much

 IT HAS BEEN EXPLAINED how hollow, purely rhetorical, and meaningless by being obvious is the insipid phrase :all lives matter". The blue sky is blue. The right wing is rife with insipid nonsense, employed to disguise their fundamental cruelty with hollow platitudes and non sequitur nonsense. Their cruelty consists in their, racist refusal to even acknowledge, much less support "Black Lives Matter'. To simply, jingoistically assert that "all lives matter", or that the sky is blue, are both pointlessly true.The dirty little secret is that, in the real world, all lives do not matter much, not much at all. Consider history. consider today's world. All lives matter? Tell that to the eighteen year old doughboy in the stenching, shit filled trenches of World War One, or to the millions of poor dead men who served as cannon fodder for the glory of people like Caesar, Napoleon, MacArthur, and Lee . There were more than one hundred million military dead during the twentieth century. All lives matter, but not much. And consider the fact that the twentieth century, bloody as it was, was per capita less deadly, less violent, than any other. Over the centuries, humankind is becoming less violent, statistically, so maybe there is some hope, some hope that eventually all lives truly will matter. All lives matter, but not much, not nearly as much as the parcels of blood soaked land over which they were fighting. Consider Donald Trump, his benighted, deluded supporters, the ones who sanctimoniously mouth "all lives matter", all the while dismissing and downplaying a deadly epidemic of disease and death, in preference for their vanity, convenience, and personal pride.The word "evil" is inadequate to describe any American president who would lie about and downplay a national disastrous emergency costing hundreds of thousands of lives, merely to preserve hos own popularity among his supporters and to preserve his personal political power. And there is no word sufficiently evil to describe people who would follow such an evil leader with unquestioning, unexamined loyalty, refusing to acknowledge his sheer personal greed, ambition, dishonesty, and evil, and, by virtue of their sustained acquiescence and support, their own.

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