Monday, September 28, 2020

Stealing, Legally

IN THE PAST twenty years, the republicans have stolen two presidencies and two Supreme court Justices. It was all done quite legally, quite cleverly, quite immorally.  The consequences have been tragic. The 2000 presidential election was decided five to four for Bush over Gore, along party lines, when the five conservative justices decided arbitrarily to halt the recount of votes, just as Gore was edging ahead in the deciding state of Florida. Because of this outcome, the United States turned its back on fighting climate change, instead of taking strong action against it. The 2016 election was won by Donald Trump, with Russian assistance, which Trump knew about and accepted and welcomed, even though he got three million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton, Again, tragic, again, for the same reason, among others. Al gore and Hillary Clinton would have been great presidents, if only because they would have acknowledged the dire necessity of fighting climate change, rather than ignoring it. The Earth will pay for this, and with it, the human race. It is not overstatement to say that these republican presidents have probably cost us our future. The Republican refusal to give Obama's Supreme Court nominee, Merrick Garland, even a basic hearing, was a catastrophe for America, because it deprived the court of that rarest of virtues; a moderate, fair  minded, unbiased justice. The hypocrisy of this refusal is now well known, and since Obama had nearly a year left in office, the reason cited for the refusal was and remains entirely bogus, and politically motivated. Four years later, the Republicans have once again pushed through a far right Supreme court justice, for no other reason than to try to force a far right wing agenda on the American people, an agenda which studies repeatedly prove the people do not want. The american people are pro choice and pro Obama care. The 2020 election has already begun' more than one million people have already voted. Nothing could be more obvious than thaw the nomination should wait until after the election, and the winner, the next president, whether Trump or Biden, should then make the nomination. Obama's nomination was too close to the election, said the Republicans, remember? There excuses for their hypocrisy; that under Trump the Senate and the president are of the same party, are so lame that the American people see through it, and reject it. The far right supreme Court willl try to force it extreme right wing agenda on teh American people, the american people will reject it, and, sooner, rather than later, if the country is fortunate, the republican party, with all its immorality, corruption, and hypocrisy, as well as its outdated approach, will be swept into the dustbin of history. that cay cannot arrive soon enough.

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