AN AVIARIAN HOLOCAUST has been an is still occurring in the southwest United States, largely under the radar of our conservative corporate mainstream media and escape entertainment addicted American public. So what's a few birds? Make that a few billion. It is estimated that hundreds of thousands have died mysteriously, and thousands more are sitting listlessly on the ground, unresponsive to people who casually walk up to them. It is estimated that since 1970 as many as three billion birds have died who shouldn't have, and that the total North American bird population has decreased by several billion. The current problem is quite possibly related to black, grey, and orange skies filled with soot and fire from the out of control wild fires ravaging the land. We're not yet sure, though. Doubtless President Trump and his feckless followers will contrive some cockeyed explanation for the bird death spiral, having nothing to do with climate change, and everything to do with liberal, media, deep state, or Chinese conspiracies.Meanwhile, less than four percent of the oblivious American people consider climate change a top priority, surveys reveal; we've more important matters to contemplate, such as what will happen on the final episodes of the Kardashians. Meanwhile, our clueless criminal president insists that with a bit of raking and leave collecting, all would be well, and the wild fire situation would not require his attention, attention he has given so generously by visiting California and complaining about forest management, a subject which, like all subjects, he knows nothing about. Several years ago, in his usual moronic state, Trump bragged how well the good people of Norway, I believe it was, kept their forests clean by getting out into the wilderness and raking them, almost on a daily basis.Trump likes Norwegians. In fact, he wants them to immigrate her, as if they would even consider coming to a third world shit hole country, to use Trump's term, with an idiot president. Trump wants to keep the Muslims, Mexicans, and all people black and brown out of pure white America, and encourages Norwegians to come at will. But anyway, when he made his idiotic remark about Scandinavians raking their forests, thousands of them grabbed rakes, got out in the woods, which in that part of the world are always nearby, and took selfies, rake in hand, dutifully fulfilling the fantasies of the Untied States of Amazement. Why not have fun with it? We can either laugh or cry. By the way, insects, butterflies, frogs, and thousands of other species of animals are vanishing from the Earth also, but, what the hell, as long as Kin Kardashian is in love with somebody, who cares?
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