Monday, September 14, 2020

Hiding Behind Barr

 FOUR SHORT YEARS  and a seeming eternity ago, Bill Clinton bumped into Obama's attorney general, country star Loretta Lynn, on a big town tarmac. Perhaps you remember. They conversed, the former president having walked from his plane to hers. They kept it light and coo, so they said, though she admitted to being a bit nervous. After all, the vast right wing conspiracy was at the time digging deep into  imaginary dirt on wife Hillary, and Obama's A.G. was expected to be neutral, if not actively involved and cooperative. All hell broke loose throughout right wing Clinton hating America. One of my best friends cried foul, I suggested that he might be a bit angry,and he called me a maniac. We haven't been close since. Compare that instance of potential but unverified attorney general corruption to Bill Barr, his relationship to President Trump. The purpose of the attorney general of the United States is to represent the legal interests of the American people, not the president. Supposedly, the A.G. is an independent office, although appointed by the president and approved by Congress. When the Obama attorney general met with Bill Clinton and chatted, America's right wingers assumed, incorrectly, without any evidence, that they were conspiring to derail existing investigations into Hillary Clinton, investigations which eventually yielded nothing anyway. That was the whole extent of corruption within the Obama administration's attorney general's office. that's it. It was truly much ado about nothing. Flash forward. Bill Barr withheld the Mueller report form the people, then issued a four page summary, completely mis- characterizing the report, making it sound as if it exonerated Trump,w hen in fact it did just the opposite. bill Barr has repeatedly looked the other way from Trump's, and assisted the president in obstructing justice by refusing to compel his to release financial documents, and by refusing to investigate Trump's many violations of the constitutional emoluments clause. and just recently, and most shocking of all, the attorney general has assumed the role of Trump's direct attorney, representing him in one of the any sexual molestation lawsuits against him, this one involving Trump's defamation of one of his many accusers. Trump fired his previous attorney general, and appointed Barr knowing full well that Barr would effectively act as Trump's personal legal body guard, representative, and defender, against all constitutional and legal tradition. it is truly appalling. And yet, you hear not a whimper of complaint from the same sanctimonious people who protested so vehemently about a conversation between Bill Clinton and Obama's attorney general. Once again, as always, America's right wing Trump supporters have proven themselves shamefully hypocritical and corrupt. They  should, as usual, be ashamed of themselves, but, as usual, are not, nor will they ever be.

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