Saturday, September 19, 2020

Trump, Becoming Human

 AS THE ELECTION APPROACHES, president Trumpp, in order to continue hsi carnival barking reality television presidency, is trying a last ditch desperation effort of a tactic; namely acting like a compassionate, caring human being. Its an obvious act, another Trump scam, a lie, and a tough one, considering Trump's normally, persistently unabashed, undisguised display of moral and intellectual depravity, but, among his mind numbed followers, it will likely work. Suddenly, from Trump, money for Puerto Rico, just as the election looms and the Puerto Rican vote may decide Florida. previously, recall, Trump ignored brown skinned Puerto Rico, brushed off disastrous hurricane damage there, resisted any attempt to provide government assistance, threw paper towels at Puerto Rican crowds, and called the U.S. territory "corrupt". now, suddenly, Trump reaches out to the island, and calls himself the best friend Puerto Rico ever had. what a laugh.Maybe the Puerto Ricans can see the great prevaricator's pandering political posturing. The president signed into law a few weeks ago a bill greatly increasing heh amount of wilderness land under federal wilderness protection, suddenly showing concern fo the environment and America's natural beauty. Trump, suddenly, the environmentalist. his entire administration he has spent destroying federal protections for the environment in favor of corporate exploitation and profit, eliminating federal regulations against corporate polluting. Trump, who like most of his supporters denies climate change, removed the U.S. from the Paris climate accords. Now, suddenly, he is a true crusader for the environment. The hypocrisy is blatant, as the criminal in chief tries to salvage his traveling sideshow of a presidency. Trump's executive order delaying tax payments for laid off pandemic workers will only delay the inevitable; the taxes will have to be paid, later, when the workers can no more afford them than now. Again, mere theater. His order postponing rent payments to keep people from being evicted is again, only temporary, and does nothing to address the real problem , nor does it give any help to property renters threatened with bankruptcy. All this is remindful of the day during the Black Lives Matter protests when Trump tear gassed legal protesters in order to walk across the street and hold a bible upside down for a photo op. Its nothing but the usual Trump parlor trick. Its time to lower the curtain on this circus.

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