Sunday, September 27, 2020

Having Fun and Spreading Death

THE MOROTCYCLE RALLY in Sturgis, South Dakota was attended by something like half a million peole, and contact racing has confirmed that roughly a quarter million cases of Covid 19 resulted from it. And still the attendees will blather insanely about freedom of choice, freedom from government tyranny, and their willingness to live with teh consequences of their personal choices and actions. an avalanche of hollow shallow rhetoric, justifying stupidity and recklessness.  These idiot fail to realize that we have the freedom to behave intelligently and responsibly, and the moral responsibility to postpone personal pleasure for the sake of public safety and human health and survival. We anger Trump supporters when we talk factually and honestly about Trump in a critical manner, so we shan't. It would, however, be appropriate to talk about trump here, because most biker rally enthusiasts are Trump supporters, and mimic his behavior, his denial of the severity of a highly contagious disease which will kill more than a quarter million Americans. suffice to say that, in theory, when the president of a Democratic Republic holds political rallies in which thousands of people sit close together without wearing masks, the president and his audience are spreading death and disease, knowingly, unless they are brainwashing themselves to the contrary.That's what they must be doing; pretending. The president has a sacred duty to protect the american people, and holding  apolitical rally every few days will only further spread the disease which will contribute to the blame he is already receiving for it. The people who went to Sturgis, breathing on each other, touching each other, care more for their immediate fun and personal gratification than for the health and safety of the American people. Either that, or they fail to grasp the basics of biology. it is alarming that even after nearly a quarter million Americans have died from Covid 19, there are still  millions of Americans who are perfectly happy and willing to assemble in large groups, trading the health and safety of millions for a few hours of fun. the American people deserve Donald Trump, and they deserve this horrible disease, because they ar responsible for spreading it, and they are living with its consequences.

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