THE CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICANS, in and out of congress, will of course insist that a new member of the Supreme Court absolutely must be in place before the election. Hypocrisy, personified. Remember Merrick Garland. They will give reasons, all of which will be false, and hypocritical. False and hypocritical reasoning is the trademark of American conservatism, especially of the evangelical variety. The real reason of course is their strong desire to make the American judiciary, including the Supreme Court, a rubble stamp for their religious theocratic and economic neo-liberal aims. They care nothing for equal justice under law, dispassionately rendered. Their only concern is the implementation of their evil, twisted, long outdated right wing agenda. Jerry Falwell Jr. is the perfect poster child for America's religious right wing. His phony, barbaric religious intolerance, hatred and zealotry> His idolatry of Trump, and his secret, hidden depraves personal lifestyle perfectly represent right wing religious America. Just like Jerry Falwell Jr., right wing religious America is falling headlong dead drunk downstairs, splitting open its craven head, and bleeding. America is rejecting the sheer insanity of its politically conservative religious based community,,because most Americans see the cruelty, hypocrisy, and moral bankruptcy of its fundamental values. One half of the millennial generation, people now between the ages of thirty eight and twenty, reject traditional religion. On all major issues, abortion rights, government involvement in the economy, economic equality, multi culturalism, ethnic, religious, sexual diversity and tolerance, and racial equality, the United States is a majority progressive country, rejecting conservative values, and, as Casey Stengel famously said, you could look it up. And now, with the Supreme Court as the battlefield, we will once again witness the desperate, last ditch attempt of the far religious right to seize and hold power, contrary to the will of a majority of the American people, as thsi malign minority mercifslly bleeds to death, saving the rest of us from their ignominious evil.
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