Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Fantasizing, With Fervor

AMERICAN CULTURE'S steep descent into fantasy, is predilection for the avoidance of reality, the encroaching proclivity of its member's to construct and dwell within individual paradigmatic bubbles of self contentment, a centuries old cultural characteristic, has been well documented and discussed. Less discussed is the alarming level of fervent devotion with which our many fugitives from reality freely flee, and, with complete self assured certainty, construct, inhabit, and dwell within their alternative cosmic paradigms, and then, not content to merely remain aloof, urgently beckon others, like some pied piper, to enter and join them, as if to relieve their crushing loneliness. I have former friends, dearly departed from the realm of empirical, observable reality, whose only intent for me seems to be that I abandon my loyalty to mainstream science, history, and sociology, and declare my allegiance to their newly constructed fantasy worlds.Sometimes I pity then, their isolation. These people never show the slightest interest in my actual life. For all they know I could be raising dozens of children with multiple wives and pursuing careers on Broadway or in Congress, and they would either not know it,or if they did, not care. Their only care is whether I, are anybody else, will join them in a universe of alien interventions, hidden conspiracies of the paranormal kind, and alternative dimensions, intermingling with, of course, themselves. The truth must come from them. they hand down down the truth from on high, and I receive it, either passivelly, or approvingly, they are conetne with either response. Any hint of disagreement from me is met with stern rebuke, or sulky silence, and dismissal.Any information or thought from me which does not conform to their doctrine is ignored, or summarily dismissed. Hence, I am always the first to go. I do not expect anyone to share my personal philosophical, religious, political beliefs. But I expect, indeed I insist that everyone agree on a certain fundamental set of empirically provable, scientific verified, tangible facts, observable by all. Failure to accept this fundamental reality disqualifies anyone from participation in respectable, responsible intellectual circles, by virtue of preferring personal fantasy to manifest reality. Inquiring minds must gather together in a place of sanity, not contrived fabrication. The aimless fantasizers often complain that we sticklers for scientific fact are "narrow minded". Anyone who demands proof of what they say is so labeled. proof is their undoing, and is what they despise. they always claim to have it, but they never do. They are in fact the narrow minded ones, for they reject open inquiry and the scientific method of obtaining truth in favor of a sort of dogmatic religion, in which theirs is the doctrine, and their doctrine must be embraced by all, at great peril.

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