Friday, September 18, 2020

Ranking Criminals

 THE ONLY REMAINING QUESTION is whether the president or the attorney general is more idiotic, clueless, criminal, twisted, and perverse. Its either a dead heat, or Trump is up by a nose. A.G. Bill Barr, sounding like he just walked out of a bar, spoke at Hillsdale College, the sanctimonious home of extreme right wing scholarship assuming the word 'scholarship' describes self serving hagiography. Barr, who amazingly seems to have actually passed the bar exam, informed his far right listeners that the Black Lives Matter movement protesters are law breakers and thugs who are using dead African-Americans murdered by white cops as "props", and are "politicizing" the issue. Since police are public servants and employees, and since politics is the process by which it is decided who makes public policy, the behavior of police officers is arguably an inherently political matter, a notion to which  Barr is apparently oblivious. The oblivious attorney general contends that although black people are indeed in his words "treated differently" by police than white people, the difference has nothing whatever to do with racism. Excuse me?  Then precisely what is the source of the difference the oblivious A.G. declined to speculate. Bill Barr, presumably having passed the bar, fresh from the local bar, raising the racist bar. To further politicize, the Asinine Gerentological specimen says that his employees, the prosecutors within his Department of Justice, are spending way too much time prosecuting crimes, especially crimes committed by close friends and associates of Donald Trump. To investigate and prosecute Trump's buddies for criminal behavior is simply too...damned..political... Also, Barr wildly asserts that the Black Lives Matter protesters are trying to overthrow the government, and should be put in jail. He failed to mention that if ever there were a government worthy of overthrow, it is his and Trump's. millions of white white collar law abiding professionals, locked up for walking down the street, carrying signs. Justice in the land of Trump, Barr, Nixon, and Hitler. To paraphrase Trump's hero Andrew Jackson; he has made his ruling, now let him enforce it. And now, for the piece de resistance. According to the asinine Bill Barr, lock down stay at home orders are unconstitutional, and tantamount to slavery. Better that we all remain free in liberty's land to come and go as we please, and to spread a deacdy disease, killing millions. Now you decide; who is crazier, Trump, or Barr?

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