Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Word War Mongering

OBAMACARE IS BEING DESCRIBED as everything from "a complete disaster" to "contrary to every core principle America holds dear", a complete, unmitigated failure which must be abolished immediately, for the sake of saving the country. evidently, te simple truth, that Obamacare is largely a success with some shortcomings which need to be addressed, is too complicated, and too positive. What, if anything, we replace it with is utterly immaterial, merely by doing away with the Obamacare nightmare we will be getting back on the right track. So goes the right wing propaganda lie mongering, as usual. Why don't we take a quick survey, interview all twenty million or so who have health insurance under the Affordable Care Act who had none previously, and find out if these recipients believe Obamacare is a complete disaster. Twenty million people having health insurance on acceptable terms for the first time is, sanity would suppose, not a disaster, but a great triumph. But alas, welcome to super narcissistic America, where we all have our own truth, our own facts, and words are a weapon to be used cleverly. The election was a complete repudiation of Barack Obama, goes the right wing drivel, even though Hillary Clinton got three million more votes than the twitter man. Accordingly, when the Environmental Protection Agency issues a ruling requiring chemical corporations to clean up their toxic chemical waste, the EPA is "out of control". One creative Obama hater accuses the outgoing president of "neutering the military". Excuse me? Neutered? When one considers the emotional overtones of the word "neutered" one envisions the American military as having been rendered completely languid, passive, flaccid, limp, prostrate. Its horrible. Its also another example of twisting the language to influence attitudes and perceptions. Heaven forbid that we ever examine a situation realistically, and tell the factual truth about it. no, we must color our words with emotion, for impact. We must use words to accomplish our political goals, to twist reality to suit our personal emotional needs. its quite humorous, really. There must be close to one million words in the English language. If more of us knew more of them, me would perhaps feel a bit more confident in our ability to use words as tools of truth, and less need to use them as weapons of deceit.

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