Saturday, January 14, 2017

America, On A Wild Ride

IF PRESIDENT ELECT DONALD TRUMP'S press conference is any indication, this administration is going to be a lot of fun to watch. Trump doesn't like press conferences, because they require one to match wits with bright people who are trying to make one look foolish in front of millions of people, and that doesn't suit Trump's proclivities or abilities. So, he has a press conference about twice a year, a practice which will have to change, whether he likes it or not, because if it doesn't, President Trump will face an avalanche of criticism, which he will, actually, anyway. The American president absolutely must have press conferences, in accordance with their traditions, rules and procedures, dealing with difficult questions in front of the whole nation. He must have them reasonably often, as often as all the recent presidents, if not more so. This will give Trump plenty of opportunities to blow up, melt down, go off, and show his ass, yet again, in front of the entire nation, which heretofore does not seem to care greatly how badly he behaves, which is quite. Unless Trump's tempestuous tweet mentality improves, this great nation may start to tire of his juvenile behavior. This time he told us that he had a chance to make two billion dollars in Dubai, but he turned it down, because he loves the American people so very very much and wants to show how non greedy he is. Then he told us that if he wanted to, he could run his entire business empire, massive that it is, and run the country, both at the same time. There would be nothing illegal about this, Trump wants us to understand, just as there are no conflicts of interest in having his sons run his business. The experts in legal and financial ethics all disagree. Trump evidently has the idea that the American Presidency is a part time job. One can only hope that he will soon learn otherwise. The way he's going, he's going to have every media organization and media employee loathing him, but he doesn't seem to care, yet. Trump might also find out eventually that simply replacing the Directors of the CIA, NSA and other intelligence gathering agencies does not replace thousands of employees in those organizations, who so far have good reason not to be pleased with the president elect. Plus, we await the protests at the inauguration, and up and down Pennsylvania Ave, in Washington D.C., all the way from Capitol Hill to the White House, when we start talking about Obamacare seriously. Hang on tight. Its going to be a wild ride.

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