Monday, January 23, 2017

Correcting Invented Facts From The President

YOU HAVE TO GIVE PEOPLE A CHANCE. And, if you can, you have to help, if only by staying out of the way. It begins to appear we must assist our new American president in accepting facts. A Goethe said: "we resist the truth only because we would perish if we accepted it". True enough. We all invent truth, and practice deception, to a point, within reason, but enough is enough. When an America leader, in our great democracy and free market of speech and facts, begins to live in a complete state of fantasy, we, the American people, whom the new leader so passionately wants to serve, must serve the leader."Alternative facts", a term used by the president's assistant Kellyanne Conway to describe her leader's lies, won't do. You start to get that creepy propaganda ministry Hitler Mao Stalin sensation, in which an invented fantasy world, handed down from the fuhrer, is the only politically correct, yes, politically correct version. for those of you who are tired of political correctness imposed by a gang of tens of millions of liberals which punishes you for using words like "nigger", you wanna give political correctness from a single demagogue a shot? How about Donald trump's version of reality, which he expects you to fully embrace. Trump says that the crowd on inauguration day was the largest crowd ever, which it wasn't, and that it extended all the way to the Washington monument and beyond, out into the Maryland countryside and all across the country, which it most certainly did not. The news media corrected the Trumpian lie, and, of course, the news media, having fun afoul of the leader, is politically incorrect, and therefore, according to the politically correct leader, the most dishonest entity known to humankind. What is spooky is how obvious and easily disprovable the Trump lies are, and how violently his team reacts against the truth, and how defiantly it defends the leader's lies. Even more frightening is the willingness of Trump and his gang to passionately defend lies concerning utterly insignificant facts, like the size of a crowd, and how aggressively and savagely they attack fact checkers and correcters. The Trump administration is going to require a national fact checking operation, in which we, the vigilant citizens ever guarding our democratic liberties, are prime participants.

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