Sunday, January 8, 2017

Russians Stealing The Election For Trump?

THE ELECTION OF DONALD TRUMP is of highly questionable legitimacy, due to Russian interference. The question now is: exactly what did the Russians do to influence the election, and what impact did it have? It may be very difficult to answer this question, but most likely achievable, certainly not impossible. Using advanced statistical methods, causal connections between large numbers of people acting under numerous influences can be analysed with remarkable precision. We could look at exactly what information the Russians stole, fabricated, and dumped into the mainstream media, and its probable impact on voters. Also, what ever happened to those seventy thousand ballots cast in Detroit which were filled out completely, except for the presidential contest, which was left blank? Why would anyone, let alone seventy thousand people, go to the trouble of getting to the polling place, standing in line, and filling out a ballot properly and completely, and then leave the most important box blank? It really makes no sense, unless those ballots started out with votes for Hillary Clinton, then got erased through hacking and vote tampering. Surely, all these questions will be answered. First, Trump loudly proclaimed through twitter, his platform of choice, that the Russians absolutely had absolutely nothing to do with election interference. Then, he was proven wrong, and tweeted that their interference had absolutely no impact on the election, as if he has any way of knowing. Trump's lackeys inform us that Trump now accepts the reality of Russian hacking, but that it happens all the time, so its no big deal, and besides, its all the fault of the Democrats, for not stopping it in the first place. Can you believe that? No, you can't. What a bunch of clowns, losers, and liars, these Trump lackeys. Now, Mr.Trump wants to forget about the whole Russian hacking thing altogether, and just "move on", as he so eloquently tweeted. But why? What's the hurry? What, if anything, does Mr. Trump have to hide? Surely, nothing! This is an important issue, and must be thoroughly investigated, including the impact of Russian involvement in the election, which the CIA, FBI, and NSA did not address. Now, its time to address it, by whatever means necessary. The Departments of sociology, Political 'science, and Computer Science at Harvard could probably get the job done. Did the Russians actually steal the election for Trump? One thing we know for certain; they tried to.

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