Thursday, January 19, 2017

Populism Losing Popularity

SO, WHAT'S BEEN GOIN' ON, all across Europe and the United States, and who knows where next, is an epidemic of anger and fear in which loud mouthed right wing tough talkin' super patriotic nationalistic demagogues are gaining popularity and in some benighted places actual power. This is being called, for some strange reason, "populism", perhaps because it has the support of a lot of working class poorly educated low income right wing ethnic majority Donald Trump wannabes. Populism, as in popular amongst the teeming masses. A strong man for all the people, to lead the people and the nation back to the glory days of old. Less, popular, is this populism, among the elites, real and imagined. The populist creed is to make the fatherland great again, like it used to be in the good ole days when men were men and America had but one culture, with a single language and pigment. Strong man populism promises to stop foreign exploitation by tearing up and replacing trade deals and by stopping immigration, and to stimulate the capitalistic economy to create more and better jobs, by getting government out of the economy and, by any means, bringing back jobs long gone overseas to cheap labor sources. Business billionaires are being trusted to lift up the teeming masses from working class joblessness and stagnation into middle class prosperity, without even allowing government to assist the process. Its a virtual miracle, the revival of trickle down economics as the method of choice to lift up the poor, without so much as bothering to raise the minimum wage. How to achieve all this? By bullying corporations into halting all investment in foreign countries, thus ending the new world order, the era of free trade? Shall we become Luddites, and fight the robots and all automated technology? Since two thirds of Americans accept the reality of human made climate change, and the need for more economic equality, Trump's brand of so called "populism", in which tax cuts for the wealthy miraculously trickle down to us all, can never be truly "popular", as indicated by his current forty percent approval rating. It'll go down further soon enough. Isn't it strange and interesting how a group of billionaires led by a billionaire is going to make prosperous all the poor?

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