Sunday, January 1, 2017

Asking Sensible Questions

WE BEGIN THE NEW YEAR the same way we ended the old one - in mortal danger, with imminent doom. We have only ourselves to blame, and a reasonable chance to change course and become healthy. Reversing climate change and eliminating nuclear weapons from the planet is where we need to start. For this to happen, we must have leaders who recognize these as problems. We also need to figure out a way to make sure computers can not and are not used by nations as weapons against each other. That's a tall order. The internet is a jungle, with no rules, and evil powerful forces can cause havoc at will. Just the other day an American company announced that it had found malevolent malicious and very Russian software on its computer. Gee, how surprising. Contrary to what Donald Trump and his Russian friends, Putin and company, might tell you, not only can the CIA and FBI tell the difference between advanced Russian spyware and a teenager in his parent's basement. So can anybody else, especially corporations and computer experts; everyone except, evidently, Putin and Trump. Do you think it might be a good idea for every company and government agency in America to check its computers for spyware? Do you think maybe Putin wanted to get Trump elected for a reason, just maybe? Is it remotely possible that this reason is that Putin wants to invade any and every computer system in America which has important information on it, and steal the information, and he thinks he can get away with it much easier working with Donald Trump, who denies that its happening? Maybe that's why Putin did not respond to Obama's sanctions. Maybe Putin is simply waiting quietly for Trump to take over, so he can finish his project of conquering the United States with computers. Who knows?

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