Tuesday, January 3, 2017

The GOP Bringing Danger

THE REPUBLICAN PARTY is the most dangerous organization in human history. If you happen to disagree with that statement, you're not arguing with me, which would be hard enough, you're arguing with Noam Chomsky, Professor Emeritus at M.I.T. Not long ago I was at a friend's house, and in the middle of a good political conversation my friend told me that Noam Chomsky had died. He was absolutely sure of it. I was shocked, and overcome with grief, until I got to a computer and found out that no, indeed, it wasn't true, thank heavens. My friend said he must have been thinking of someone else. Ya think? Not only is Noam Chomsky alive and well, but he has made some remarks about the election of Donald J. Trump and the ascendancy of republicans in government, and I would recommend to anyone to google "Noam Chomsky on Trump". In his post election comments, Chomsky focuses on climate change, and the extremely strong strand of denial among republicans, many if not most of whom fall into the climate change denial demographic. Chomsky, like all progressive intellectuals, is quite well aware of the shockingly rapid advance of climate change over the past couple of years, and the urgent need to address it single mindedly, immediately. But the republicans do not see climate change as a real problem. It now appears that the republicans are not only in a perfect position to dismantle all American climate change response, it appears that this is exactly what they intend to do, starting any day now. This may prove disastrous for the human species, and all other species as well. The rest of the world is already moving ahead, however, as are large parts of the American population, in fighting climate change by investing in solar energy and other sustainable programs. So, maybe there's still a chance to save ourselves. All the dangerous organizations throughout history are now in the past, and for the most part can no longer harm us. But the republican party is here and now, is perhaps Chomsky's main point, and because of certain strange cultural phenomena is now in a position to bring its dangerous ideas directly into our lives.

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