Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Everybody Protesting Trump

LAST WEEKEND'S PROTEST MARCH was either for the purpose of demanding women's rights and gender equality, or it was a protest against Trump, or both, depending on who you talk to. Either way, it was such a huge success that people are talking about what the movement will do next, and everyone agrees that the women's movement will continue. Now scientists are wanting to get into the act, and have their own protest march. It will either be a march in Washington advocating for science, or protesting the Trump administrations treatment of science, or both. It could also be considered a protest against the right wing attitude towards science, the disdain for science so evident in the conservative movement. Evolution and human made climate change are treated as if they are matters of opinion by most republicans, which they most certainly are not. The scientists of the world want to make that abundantly clear, that climate change and evolution are real, and that science should be accepted, respected, and included in making public policy decisions in the political arena. There are millions of well educated Americans who support science, and are appalled at the denial of climate change and other basic science by the republican party and American conservatives in general. Many of them are starting to think that it might be time to stand up for science in government, and to protest the complete disregard for science so far shown by the Trump administration. After that, who knows? Occupy Wall Street redux? Why not? Particularly, just as soon as all those millions of white blue collar out of work pseudo-republicans who elected Trump finally figure out what a complete fraud their multi billionaire leader really is.

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