Sunday, January 22, 2017

Protesting Trump, Femininely

THE DAY AFTER millions of women around the world, clad in pink pussy hats, marched through hundreds of cities, there appears to have been no adverse incidents of any sort, no violence, only a positive mass movement which made a statement the world can not ignore. The statement was in opposition to right wing extremism and the agenda of Donald Trump, an agenda which is being misleadingly referred to by a pandering pro Trump media marketing machine as "populism", but is in reality human suicide by climate change, combined with wealthy elitism and xenophobia, along with a tinge of racism and misogyny. Millions of women out in the streets, in Washington and everywhere else, and nothing but positive results. A Trump spokesperson says the Trump gang does no intend to sit around and allow itself to be de-legitimized. Let's hope the gangsters mean it. If they want war with their opponents, bring it. The more aggressively Trump attacks his critics and the media, the more people will turn against him. If they want war with the media, we'll see who wins. This could get interesting. The most obvious thing about yesterday's incredible mass female protest is that it worked so beautifully that it should be continued, expanded, and increased and intensified. Also, it should unite with Black Lives Matter, the science and climate change opposition community, the LGBTQ movement, and, of course, the progressive movement in general, including all the males involved. With an approval rating of about forty percent, Trump is outnumbered, at home and abroad, by his opponents. We good loyal patriotic American leftists must unite and support our new president, and this we intend to do by having tens of millions of us strongly encourage him to fight climate change like a real man, stand up to Putin instead of kissing his ass, and fix Obamacare, instead of repealing it, and maybe rename it "Trump Care" to further enhance the president's fame and self esteem. marketability, and name recognition.

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