Thursday, January 5, 2017

Resisting Trump and His Gang

SENATOR JOHN MCCAIN does not have a very favorable opinion of Vladimir Putin, to say the least. The terms "killer" and"thug" were used. Meanwhile, president elect Trump says the Russians are innocent of hacking and interfering with the election because Julian Assange says that Wikileaks never got any help from the Russians. Somehow, that is less than comforting. That tells you something about Trump's judgment in choosing his sources of information. He rejects the information from the CIA, which assures us that indeed the Russian government is invading the United States with computers, and he trusts Julian Assange. That is remarkably alarming, as is Trump's continued admiration instead of loathing for Vladimir Putin. Is Putin Trump's role model, a shining example of what he himself wants to be, and plans to become? There has been a strangely surrealistically Hitleresque tone to Trump's political career, with his angry mass of white followers chanting their hateful slogans and Trump's extreme right wing appointees to government positions. There might well emerge in America a hard core extreme right wing group of congresspeople, administration people, and supporters who now proceed to try to impose their agenda on the country, opposed by a huge majority of Americans who see trough it, and end up resisting Trump and his supporters so strongly that the right wingers are run out of town, out of government, and Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Obamacare, and Planned Parenthood are saved for future generations. To borrow a quote from Lord Cornwallis: "we'll see who takes the glory from this field of battle."

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