Friday, January 6, 2017

Trump's Trap

THE HEAD HONCHOS OF EVERY MAJOR U.S. INTELLIGENCE AGENCY, including the CIA, FBI, and NSA, made the pilgrimage to the elite heights of Trump Tower Friday afternoon, for the express purpose of assisting the President Elect in abandoning his fantasy world and returning to the real one, which might prove impossible. Its worth a try, through, because our live may all be riding on it. The group of directors told Trump that the Russians for sure hacked into the election, and tried to help Trump win, in several different ways, including dumping harmful information about Hillary Clinton into the social media alternative universe, and encouraging the American public to distrust their own political process. They told him that the order to conduct the campaign to sabotage the election came directly from Vladimir Putin, and they know this because they bugged his office, the little darlings, and have Putin's conversations on tape. isn't our American intelligence gathering community simply grand? They further told Trump that they have no idea whether the Russians actually changed the outcome of the election, because, they said, that isn't their job. Exactly why it isn't, they apparently didn't say. So now further investigations should be conducted to find out exactly what happened, and how it affected the election, because, whatever it was, it affected the election, one way or another. Meanwhile we wait and see whether the president elect admits that he has been wrong on this issue; he probably never will, which is an alarming indication of his character. So, Trump is trapped in his admiration of Putin. Will he have the guts to change course, and to loathe Putin like all good Americans? Or, will he stick to his love of Putin, and separate himself from everyone else in the country? Trump says he wants to "move on". Will he still say that now? If we merely move on, what will we move on to, a world in which the Russians steal us blind every time Putin orders it, and President Trump turns his head, looks away, expresses his admiration of Putin, and moves on?

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