Sunday, October 4, 2020

Trump, Sharing the Virus

 IN RETROSPECT, it seems almost inevitable that not only donald Trump, but many other people who came in close contact with him would contract Covid 19. After all, that's the way it works. In the west wing, anyone wearing a mask was laughed at, word has it. Advisers, assistants, three Republican Senators and counting, all down with Covid, as if they expected anything else. It apparently stems from a big meeting at the White House concerning the new Supreme court justice nomination process. Talk about instant karma. So there you have it. Tangible proof that in this epidemic, the actions of anyone and everyone impact everyone else. We are all indeed connected, intimately. The question which remains unanswered, but probably not for long is; hpw many people, approximately, have been sickened, and how many, precisely, have been murdered by the spread of Covid 19 resulting from MAGA rallies and other Trump activities? Donald Trump, recovering nicely from his own self inflicted sickness, a major spreader of disease and death. It has been suggested in the mainstream conservative media that President Trump's best chance of personal redemption and reelection is for him to confess that his personal behavior public health policies and responses have been disastrously ineffective, to sincerely apologize, and to promise a ndw beginning with new policies clearly outlined, and different personal behavior, leading by example to finally begin to fight Covid in the United States. Fat chance of that. For one thing, its too late. The cow, as they say, is out of the barn, and long gone.For another, the very thought of a contrite, humbled, and reformed Donald Trump stretches the limits of credulity. Actually, it destroys the limits of credulity. At this point, Donald Trump, his presidency and his life nearly finished,  it is what it is, to use that awful but popular cliche. He has long since ceased being a work in progress, and what we have seen for four long years is the finished product, the final version of Trump. Trump and his presidency are essentially complete, a matter of history, and for that we the people should be deeply grateful.

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