Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Spreading the Word of Trump, and Covid 19

 ACROSS THE FRUITED PLAIN Covid 19 spreads, like a California wildfire, while the prevaricating presidential impostor stands before his adoring deluded minions and tells them, as he has for months, that the virus is on the verge of vanishing. sadly, tragically, the sheepish sycophants seem to believe the great lie, or to pretend to for the sake of political expediency. They sit packed together at MAGA rants without wearing masks, smugly sneering and spreading mental, moral, and viral disease. Each time Trump has one of his neo-Nazi white supremacist blathering spectacles, which he will likely do until the day he dies, the Covid 19 American epidemic and the global pandemic receive a new injection of virus infected fresh air, as hundreds, then thousands more get sick due to extreme right wing deluded thinking. It is ironic that even while he is spreading death and disease, the prevaricating president claims to be vanquishing it. the newest Trump caused outbreak is within the Vice President's staff. Stay tuned, as pence and his family are in peril.Suppose everyone in the United States, starting now, wear to wear a face mask every time he or she ventured in public. By the end of winter, approximately one hundred thousand American lives would be saved. This is according to medical and scientific experts, the type of people Trump and his benighted conservative supporters ignore, ridicule, dismiss, threaten, and argue with, as they flaunt their supposed freedom to gather closely together without wearing masks, in the name of the freedom to behave insanely, spreading death and disease. President Trump's Chief of Staff told us the other day that there is no way to control the virus. so, there you have it. An open admission that the Trump administration has given up. In fact they gave up from the very beginning. Meanwhile, the raucus, unmasked MAGA rallies will continue, the super spreaders of disease and death. Evidently nobody in the Trump campaign is at all concerned about spreading the virus, even though there has already been a severe outbreak in the White House, involving Trump himself. Amazingly, not a single Trump supporter seems to care about the president spreading the virus, nor do they seem to care about the hundreds of thousands of deaths from Covid 19, as if people are going to die anyway, so why care. Trump and his heartless, mindless supporters have long since give up, and care only about their personal economic fortunes.For them the greatest pandemic in a hundred years will forever be nothing but a hoax, a manufactured made for the media event, a political conspiracy by Trump's enemies intended to damage his presidency. Fortunately, they constitute only a minority of the American people, and, with any luck, won't be around much longer to do their damage to America and the world.

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