Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Going In the Wrong Direction Alone

 EVERY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD except the United States is pushing ahead aggressively to convert to a sustainable carbon free economy by mid century  by eliminating its carbon footprint, and converting to exclusively carbon free energy sources, mainly solar. Every country in the world is pursuing policies designed to fight and reverse climate change, except the United States under the Trump administration. Even China, which in recent years has been putting one new coal based energy plant online every week, is committed to sustainable energy in its future, and to eliminate coal as a primary source of energy, eventually. The Trump administration seems for all the world to be completely unaware of the fact that its policies are nothing other than an attempt to commit human and environmental suicide, and cause the extinction of all life on Earth. Anyone doubting the truth of this seemingly sensational assertion is cordially invited to consult every climate scientist, every political scientist, and every biologist or chemist at every university on the planet, and see how many of them think anything other than that the Trump administration's environmental policies are disastrous. for that matter, any high school biology or general science teacher is likely to agree; the human species is poised on the brink of disastrous environmental collapse due to climate change, and action must be taken now to prevent it. As a preemptive measure intended to negate the probably reaction of your typical American conservative, consider this: if you actually think that you know anywhere near as much as a climate scientist or high school biology teacher, you are laughably incorrect. They are the experts,  you are not. People who reject the science of climate change in favor of some ludicrous, fabricated personal belief, such as its caused by the sun, or we have nothing to do with it  ares willfully self deluded idiots. they are the same people who insist that they will not wear a masks int eh midst of a horrible global pandemic because, despite what the medical profession says, masks do no good and actually harm your health. These people are more than merely bad citizens, they are bad human beings, whose attitudes and behavior contributes directly to the destruction of the human race, and the environment. Eliminating Covid 19 and reversing climate change will both require the full cooperation and participation of the entire human race.Anyone who refuses to join the struggle due to egotistical personal beliefs designed only to enhance a misguided person's self esteem is a traitor to humanity, and, arguably, to God.

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