Friday, October 23, 2020

Never Voting Republican

IN 1972 I was a high school senior, and I campaigned for Richard Nixon, and for a Republican gubernatorial candidate whose last name was the same as mine.  I wasn't old enough to vote, so I can still say that I have never voted for a Republican. it is remarkable how far to the right the Republican party has moved since then, since Eisenhower and Nixon. The 1956 republican party platform sounds like it was written by Bernie Sanders. it is hilarious listening to conservative lamenting that have moves oh so far to the left. Conservative lies and nonsense are seemingly ceaseless. Bill, Hillary, Barack, and Biden, all centrists, can't hold a liberal candle to Humphrey, McGovern, McCarthy, and Bob and Ted Kennedy. Not even close. The liberal era began with FDR, and ended with Reagan. the conservative era began with Reagan, and, God willing, will end with Trump. a long dark forty years, sandwiched in between the simpleton Reagan and the diabolical criminal Trump. Today's Republican party advocates unfettered corporate capitalism and inaction concerning our grotesque and widening economic inequality, social Darwinism and inaction concerning our systemic racism, preferential status for the Christian religion in violation of the first amendment, the denial of science and sanity and inaction in dealing with the existential problems of the pandemic and climate change, all disastrous positions. The Republican has evolved into a twisted, bizarre white supremacist terror organization with false, evil values and moral bankruptcy. As the 2020 election approached and neared its conclusion polls indicated that a substantial majority of the American people rejected Trump and the republican agenda, just as it has consistently throughout Trump's term. The republican party is seriously misaligned with a huge majority of Americans and American values, and is in decline because of this. It began to seem improbable that Trump and the Republicans could pull off another electoral college miracle and win reelection. The Trump era appears to be coming to an end, four years to late and none too soon. Trump's supporters, inherently without honor and integrity, will waste time whining, complaining, finger pointing and excuse mongering, then they will get about the business of finding Trump's replacement. Trump will be surprisingly easy to replace. Requisite qualities include being a pathological liar, a self proclaimed sexual predator, a psychotic narcissist, an unethical criminal high roller business gambler with a sordid history of cheating and exploiting people and employees, a publicity addict, and a phony fake "Christian' who constantly viciously attacks and slanders anyone who disagrees with him or fails to idolize him. No problem there. Within the Republican party, and within the conservative evangelical Christian community, such people are as common red MAG ball caps tossed into the nearest dumpster.

1 comment:

  1. I can't stand to witness the marriage of the republicans and the evangelicals another day!!!!
