Saturday, October 31, 2020

Coming Clean On Covid 19

 DONALD TRUMP, says the great American-Trump epidemic of twenty twenty will end any minute now, his Chief of Staff mark meadows says that Covid 19 cannot be controlled. Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner says that the president will take over control of the fight against the epidemic from the scientists, as if the scientists ever had any control in the Trump administration.Presumably this means that once again Covid 19 will become a hoax, and that it will vanish by the time summer comes in twenty twenty.One small consolation is that obviously Meadows, Kushner, and Trump are obviously not conspiring, but it might help if they could at least get their stories straight and form some sort of coherent plan to deal with the epidemic.Every scientist, every epidemiologist, every high school science teacher and every intelligent person understands that the American response to Covid 19 has thus far been a chaotic, incompetent disaster, thanks to the Trump administration. We are only beginning to pay the price. Covid 19, like the common cold and the flu, will be with us forever. Just at the flu arrives every autumn, and people say that something is "going around", the coronavirus will come again and again, in cycles, ad infinitum. To effectively deal with it, maximum societal cooperation will be needed, of the socialistic sort, from everyone. Masks, social distancing, the whole nine yards, the kind of stuff our right wing mocks and ignores. At a recent Donald Trump super spreader event hundreds of attendees were left stranded in the bitter cold, with no way home, and many of them were hospitalized. A few days later, in the Florida heat, dozens of MAGATS fainted and required medical attention. Trump later confirmed that they had actually fainted in reverential awe of his illustrious self. The number of people to whom the virus has been spread from Trump ralies, and the number who have died from them, is not now known, and may never be, but estimates are that the unmasked close quarters campaign events have infected thousands of people and killed at least dozens.Even one is to many, and needless. Trump, meanwhile, mocks and ridicules Joe Biden's intentionally smaller drive in car rallies, as if fighting the virus with common sense is worthy of laughter, not praise. Dodgers star Justin Turner was removed from the final World series game when his test came back positive. After the game, he was unable to restrain himself and he rejoined his celebrating teammates on the field, where her removed his mask.American celebrity hubris. And so it goes in the United States of Amnesia. Justin Turner is probably a Trump supporters.

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